The Ohio Health Information Partnership is a nonprofit organization that shares information about people’s health electronically using the CliniSync Health Information Exchange.
We want patients and the public to be clear about how their health information can be accessed. Let’s keep in mind that health information already can be shared on paper or electronically and is protected under federal HIPAA laws. Beyond HIPAA, we’ve put in place a policy that automatically opts a patient into the system if the patient’s physician or provider is a CliniSync member. This occurs when a physician looks up a patient’s name to see encounters at hospitals or with other providers. We call this the Community Health Record because authorized members of the medical community can view that patient’s records if they are treating the individual. However, Ohio law allows patients who don’t want an authorized physician to access their records to opt out of the exchange. The form to do this is below.
What Is The CliniSync Health Information Exchange?
The CliniSync Health Information exchange (HIE) is technology that allows healthcare information to pass electronically across organizations across the state. Clear and strict state and federal guidelines govern how the information can be exchanged, viewed and used. The goal of the HIE is to make the information available when and where it is needed.
How Can Sharing My Information Improve My Care?
For example, information that could help save your life in a medical emergency would be available to the doctors in the emergency room (ER) if something happens that you did not expect. They would know what medications you are taking and what conditions you have. Another example would be that your cardiologist orders a special test and wants to share it with your primary care doctor. This could be done electronically, rather than on paper or through a dictated letter.
Less Unnecessary Testing: You may have had a lab test done recently at a hospital or doctor’s office. When you go someplace else, they can use the exchange to see your prior lab test results. That may prevent the need to do the test again.
If you would like to read a brochure designed for patients, please click on the box below:
Is My Information Kept Private?
Yes it is. The CliniSync Health Information Exchange follows U.S. and Ohio privacy laws. Only people providing care to you may view your medical records on the exchange. Anyone who is not involved in your care is not allowed to view your medical records on the exchange.
You can opt out of the CliniSync health information exchange by completing the form below. Your physician’s medical staff or hospital staff can make that change for you. Or, you can complete the form, get it notarized and submit it directly to CliniSync by following the steps below.
- Complete and print the form above.
- Have the form notarized and signed.
- Mail the form to:
Consent Status
Ohio Health Information Partnership
3455 Mill Run Drive, Suite 315
Hilliard, OH 43026 - Requested change will be made within three business days.
If you have questions, please contact CliniSync:
- Call: 614-664-2600
- Email: