Use the referrals management TOOL
APPLICATION to CONNECT to other referring physicians and providers.
Reduce phone calls and faxes. Coordinate patient care with other practices electronically.
Electronically send and receive patient referrals with confirmation and tracking in real time.
You can use the referral application to make a referral and see if the patient is scheduled for an appointment and seen by the physician to whom you are referring. You search by patient name in the Community Health Record, then create a referral by selecting the provider. You send the reason for your referral and provide special instructions. You can even attach a summary of care document (CCD) and test results.
Add new patients and create a panel of questions you would like the specialist’s office to answer.
If your patient isn’t yet in the CliniSync system, you can add that individual to the CliniSync Community. You also can ask basic questions and request specific documents be returned to you. The other practice can also set up the parameters for information they need from you.
Close the loop on your referrals electronically.
Sometimes, you can make a referral and really never know the outcome. Did the patient make the appointment? Did the other physician see that patient and what was the course of treatment? This referral management tool allows you to manage that referral in a single worklist completed by the sending and receiving facilities. Leveraging this robust referral functionality allows providers to quickly access the worklist, make real-time requests, see the outcome of that referral, and follow up with the patient. In addition, there is a simple messaging tool to allow you to electronically communicate within the referral with the destination. No need to pick up the phone – just type a quick note and hit send. The new note will alert the destination automatically and creates an audit trail, too.
Broaden a patient’s medical neighborhood by reaching out to social services.
We’re exploring ways to use the Referrals Management Tool to connect practices and clinics with social service agencies and nonprofits that can provide nonmedical services to patients. This includes organizations that can provide meals, low-income housing, AIDS treatment, education in various chronic diseases, community-based activities, self-management programs and so on. Think about how you can use this referral infrastructure to connect with other practices and social services in your community to treat the whole patient.